Well January has now come to an end and February has graced us. My grandson and I quickly watched the groundhog report, fully knowing what he was going to say-six more weeks of winter. There had been multiple weather discussions over the last several weeks about what the groundhog’s predictions would be. He patiently listened to my nerdy obsession with the weather –thank goodness he still tolerates grandma’s quirks. We came to the conclusion that the groundhog would most definitely see his shadow. We were right. In the grand scheme of things six weeks really doesn’t seem that long. I had better get moving on all these winter projects.
With that thought in my head and snow falling this morning. I thought I hardly have any snow pictures this year. It was snowing pretty hard and the creeks were partially frozen. So I ventured out-this was a feat in itself- heading out alone with just my camera and pepper spray. Now if you remember earlier I mentioned the binge watching of crime shows this winter well as I took my first steps down the desolate snow covered path I had the narrator’s voice in my head “on a cold day in Ohio a woman went for a walk in a local park” I was able to quickly push this voice out of my head as the beauty of the morning pulled me in. I took an hour to enjoy just how quiet it is in the parks when there aren’t many others around. Before I knew it I realized it was time to grab a hot cup of coffee and upload my images. I felt regenerated and ready to tackle the rest of this winter with gusto!