I had been spending all my free time including nights at the hospital with Dad, I left the hospital when Maria called to tell me she was in labor and drove her straight to the other local hospital to deliver the baby –and he was wasting no time arriving! It was a whirlwind of emotion, both overwhelming joy and unbelievable sadness-Mathias was born and Dad was so sick. Dad passed away on May 1st there were all the normal things a person has to do when someone dies- and then there was Mathias, He is perfect.
We called Mathias the little grief sponge because we just all passed him around and basked in the wonderment of new life, the sweet smell of newborn, the gratitude that he had all his fingers and all his toes and was healthy. This little man had some big shoes to fill the shoes of his Great Grandfather that he will only know through stories and pictures.
Two weeks after we buried my father Maria and her husband moved to Virginia. I was devastated and lost but had to keep moving on. We skyped, I would talk to Maria and that beautiful Little Man we would visit and I would savor every moment.
Mathias sometimes looks so much like my Father it is amazing especially when he wears hats like Dad would wear. Not only does he look like him but he acts like him at times so much so I catch my breath. I wonder how someone who has never been around this person could have picked up all these mannerisms- I do not have an answer for that.
Maria and her husband moved back with Mathias and have been here for a while. I get to spend time with my little buddy who is filled with unending energy. I get hugs-the best kind when this little person I love is all sweaty from playing and he throws his arms around my neck and kisses me with a sticky little face. One day he will grow up and be a man but right now he is my little buddy, my little man, a ray of sunshine and hope.