Although the week before had been a bit mild we certainly didn’t luck out on temps this particular evening. We weren’t on the road very long and decided we needed to find a place to sleep-we tucked into a truck stop and crawled under the blankets……man was it cold! We both woke up early and decided we would make a few stops on the way first -breakfast. We stopped in at Mary’s Diner in Geneva Ohio and filled our bellies with a hot breakfast and coffee. It was just what we needed to start the day.
From there we headed back to the same areas I had photographed just three weeks before. I was curious to see how much our ice dunes had melted. Wow what a drastic change as you can see in the images. The railing I photographed this time was completely buried under the ice dunes before. There was also a lot of visible water on the lake, a sure sign that spring was right around the corner.
The day was warming up and the sun was bright. Next and final stop was the Lakeview Cemetery in Cleveland, Ohio near University Circle. The Lakeview Cemetery is known for it’s beautiful stone sculptures, President Garfield’s monument, Alan Freed’s headstone, Elliot Ness’ burial spot and The Haserot Angel. While it was all very beautiful, I was mesmerized by the Haserot Angel, it was if her eyes followed me wherever I went. considered to be the angel of death, she holds in her hand a torch turned upside down to represent the extinguishment of life. The cemetery itself has beautiful grounds. I look forward to going back on a warmer day once the foliage starts to come out a bit more and explore more of the stone work and visit the Angel again.