I am charcoal all the way with the grill-and a big Kingsford fan. I haven’t succumbed to the hecklers of my old grill, taunting me and advising me to go with a gas grill. I like the big fire when I start the grill then the hot white charcoal and the delicious smell of the meat cooking over it. Once in a great while I even through in a hickory chip from my Grandpas’ property. They are very old hickory chips and I think of him and summer days down at his cabin when I see the smoke curl out of the fire and around the meats flavoring them.
As I watch my Grandson I also think of how we watched a Monarch Butterfly grow from an egg till it hatched out of the chrysalis. I had him set the butterfly free. He was more excited about setting it free than any of the rest of the process. As the beautiful Monarch flew away he jumped up and down exclaiming “I freed him I freed him! He will be with his family and friends now!”
Well here’s to a new season of adventures!