There were all the makings of a fine adventure-bugs, birds, animal tracks, water, rocks, dirt and a new pair of binoculars. I was just pleased to be out taking some pictures before the cold air would finally blanket the whole area and make things not quite as enjoyable. We started off with lots of chatter which then turned into quiet. As we walked the silence was occasionally broken with questions or statements such as his fascination with a rock “Take a picture of the rock grandma, that way we can always remember what a rock looks like.”
The yellows, reds, oranges, browns and greens where spectacularly set off by the beautiful blue of the sky. The wind was blowing and the mighty oaks casually tossed off their leaves one by one. Some of the maples clung tightly to their leaves as if not ready to shed into the next season. There was an occasional whistle through the trees combined with the gentle rustle of leaves as the wind whirled and swirled around us.
I know there will be many more adventures, but none just like this particular day-a moment in time.